A very simple and easy tool to create your own sport playlist!With INTERVAL TRAINING SOUND:You can create a playlist by using your own music to work with your training duration,or you can buy a ready to use sport playlist specially mixed by dj you chooseInterval training is a sports training method that offers sustainable cycles of effort and recovery time. It is directly inspired by boxers training. For instance, a boxing match is organized over a series of 3 minute intervals called ROUNDS and interspaced by 1 minute of RECOVERY TIME.During their preparation, athletes use interval training (method ) to increase their endurance and nerve impulse. It is also very effective for rapid weight loss.Listening to music helps us in the effort, it accentuates our mood’s positive aspects such as vigor and excitement, and lowers negative aspects such as tension and fatigue. It encourages us to get out of our comfort zone.By listening to music, we improve our endurance and performance, on condition by having a personalized playlist!FUNCTIONS
- Select the number of rounds you want for your training- You can also add a warm up phase to the beginning of your training or not- Choose the duration and the music for each workout and recovery phase- You have at your disposal all the music registered in your music library- Name and save your playlistThen the selection is mixed with sonor effects. You don't even need to watch to your phone, thanks to voices and bells which indicate when the rounds start and finish. Like in a real boxing match.